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Workplace Investigations Management Platform


Manage HR Investigations More Effectively…
While Also Reducing Employer Risk.

As hard as you may try to prevent the need for the them, employee and workplace investigations are inevitable for every employer. And every employee complaint you receive opens up the organization to additional risk. Whether it’s employee misconduct, harassment, discrimination, retaliation, safety or something else, every claim must be taken seriously. Having a well-developed process, and a workplace investigations management platform that ensures the process is followed, can be a great asset to an employer in minimizing the risk.

Employer Risks

A poorly-conducted workplace investigation can put a government agency at risk of:
• Employee lawsuit
• Bad employee morale
• Plummeting productivity
• Bad reputation that hurts recruiting and retention

Inconsistent Investigation Process

What makes most government agency HR departments vulnerable to the risks associated with employee investigations is an inconsistent investigation process. This may include:
• Variability by person, location, etc.
• Not as thorough as they should be
• Lack of decision timeline
• Lack of accountability
• Inconsistent disciplinary procedures
• Inconsistent documentation
• Documentation not stored properly or difficult to access

HR Team Inefficiency

Another problem many government agencies face due to an inconsistent HR investigation process and/or the lack of an effective workplace investigations management platform is HR team inefficiency. The investigation process may not be documented and every time one is necessary an HR team member has to search for informal information stored in an email. There may be no easy way to check on the involvement of employees in previous investigations. Paper files or information stored in multiple places take more time to get to and examine. Any reporting must be done with the manual gathering of information instead of the click of a button.

A More Effective Way to Manage HR Investigations

CMTS:HR was designed to help employers reduce risk and increase HR team efficiency through a workplace investigations management platform that enables them to ensure a consistent, swift but thorough process is followed for all HR investigations and that all documentation necessary is obtained and maintained in one secure place.

CMTS:HR is a powerful platform, but we’ve focused on making it easy to use. The design is intuitive, making the system easily adopted. The platform is configurable to your processes and procedures and/or to the processes and procedures required by regulators. CMTS:HR will force the user through the process or workflow that is created for the specific type of investigation. Notifications and alerts are set up to keep everything on track and prevent anything from falling through the cracks. Permissions can be set to ensure only the right people have access to specific investigations and data. Document storage keeps all evidence and other relevant documents in one easily accessible and searchable place. Metrics are at your fingertips, while reports are powerful and quickly accessed.

For the full list of features, please visit our CMTS:HR Features page.

The Many Benefits of CMTS:HR

The most important benefits of CMTS:HR for most organizations will be reducing employer risk and increasing HR team efficiency. Having CMTS:HR in place will also help you maintain investigation velocity with notifications that prevent anything from “falling through the cracks.” It can also help you improve employee relations as they see that investigations and discipline will be handled consistently if they feel like they have not been handled that way in the past. The ability to access metrics and run the reports you need when you need them can be an excellent time-saving benefit while also helping you make important Human Resources decisions with data.

For the full list of features, please visit our CMTS:HR Benefits page.

Let’s Talk About How We Can Help You

Now is the time to put an end to inconsistent workplace investigations and ineffective HR investigation platforms. Use our contact form, or give us a call at 855-636-5361, and let’s start the conversation about how implementing CMTS:HR in your organization will help you.

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