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Category Archives: Blog

  1. Your Managers Should Be an Excellent Source of Tips

    If your department or agency has great managers, it can make life much easier.  A manager who understands the implications of their words, actions, and decisions can save HR from headaches, formal complaints, and lawsuits.  The best managers also understand that listening can be even more powerful than talking. Whereas a bad manager might be…

  2. Reduce Fraud with an Employee Assistance Program

    While there are people who will commit fraud to enrich themselves, many employees who engage in fraudulent actions are doing so because they’re facing intense personal pressures.   For instance, employees facing bankruptcy may see financial fraud as their only way out.  Employees that have personal issues that are keeping them out of work may attempt…

  3. Schools Face Too Many Challenges. Cyberattackers Could Add One More.

    One of the biggest nightmares any HR department faces is a cyberattack.  It’s an especially large threat at schools; the amount of private information schools have is enormous, and much of it belongs to children, whose data is even more sensitive than that of adults. The most publicized recent cyberattack was in Miami-Dade county, where…

  4. The Coronavirus’s Devastating Impact on State Budgets

    The biggest debate in Congress right now is what provisions end up in the next stimulus bill.  Senate Republicans want to end the increase in unemployment insurance payouts, which in some cases paid employees more during their time unemployed than they made while working.  House Democrats want to avoid business immunity from Coronavirus-related employee lawsuits. …

  5. Three Ways COVID-19 Will Change State Government Agencies

    Right now, most state governments are trying to figure out how to get through these next few weeks.  Many states face a still-growing tide of Coronavirus patients.  Those with a declining rate of new infections face the incredibly important decision on when to allow more people back to work, and how many industries will be…

  6. The Financial Cost of Sexual Harassment

    Most government agencies wouldn’t talk publicly about sexual harassment in terms of its financial costs.  There’s a good reason for that – reducing an employee’s emotional damage to a financial impact is a heartless worldview. It might even imply that the agency would allow the behavior to continue if only they could mitigate the costs. …

  7. Five Components of an Effective Performance Review

    Performance reviews can be time consuming and stressful, but they shouldn’t be useless. If a performance review has these five components, it is more likely to produce positive results.

  8. Remind Employees How to Submit Complaints to Show You Are Serious About Stopping Misconduct

    For many employees, onboarding is the last step before they can begin their job.  It’s a deluge of paperwork, federally mandated workplace notifications, and agency-wide directives.  Sometimes, training videos are also required.  Once this process is completed, new employees can finally begin their job, meet their team, and learn about the reality of the job…

  9. Avoiding Agency Data Leaks

    Poor employee education and weak processes cause government data leaks, harming employees and leading to public scandals. Learn how to reduce your exposure to data leaks with this infographic.

  10. Critical HR Capabilities: Developing Relationships with Supervisors

    For many reasons, supervisors should be one of the best resources for HR departments.  At nearly any agency, there are many more supervisors than HR professionals. Most supervisors interact with their employees on a near-daily basis and are the first line of resolution for any problems employees are having in the course of their work,…